The Dishes You Can Find In A Vegan Restaurant

Veganism is a lifestyle choice where people avoid consuming any products derived from animals. There are many reasons why someone would choose to live a vegan lifestyle (from a vegan restaurant or hotel to daily activities). 

ingredients that you can find in a vegan restaurant
Many vegans believe that eating meat is unethical due to the treatment of animals in factory farms. Others may feel that they want to reduce their carbon footprint by not contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Still others may have religious beliefs that prohibit them from eating certain foods. Whatever the reason, veganism is a way of life that should be considered if you care about the environment and animals.

Due to this whole theory about the planet, animals and life in general, a vegan restaurant has appeared in every modern city corner. Vegan cuisine is based on the theory that no animal-derived food is cooked, as vegans do not eat eggs, dairy, fish, honey etc. Instead, they consume only fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy. Veganism is considered as the synonymum with healthier lifestyle, because vegan diet is low in fat, high in fiber, and rich in antioxidants. It’s really a surprise to discover how sophisticated dishes you could find in a vegan restaurant! From a Bao Βun with tofu tempura, teriyaki sauce, cucumber slices, cabbage salad and guacamole, to Nebula Voyage with smoked aubergine with unagi, sushi rice, kimchi sesame and chives 

In general veganism is a philosophy that promotes compassion towards animals and the environment. Vegans often try to minimize the use of non-renewable resources and promote sustainability, and for that reason we could say that veganism is a political - social ideology that advocates for social justice.
